Today, at 1100 Hrs IST, the permits for the national Parks of Madhya Pradesh were made available online for the coming season 2019–20, excursions to start from 1st Oct ‘2019.
Kudos to the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department for making policy changes in add-on, whereby the permits will now be freely available.
The Madhya Pradesh Forest Department also has extended the exit time for the morning safari by 30 mins, from 1100 hrs to 1130 hrs, an additional 30 minutes to explore the mystic forest of Madhya Pradesh.
Although the core zones will remain closed on Wednesday’s for the noon drive, the buffers remains open.
With many cubs dotting the Parks, Madhya Pradesh is all geared up for the fresh Tourism season in the Parks.
Permits for the National Parks of Madhya Pradesh
Today, at 1100 Hrs IST, the permits for the national Parks of Madhya Pradesh were made available online for the coming season 2019–20, excursions to start from 1st Oct ‘2019. Kudos to the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department for making policy changes in add-on, whereby the permits will now be freely available. The Madhya Pradesh Forest … Continue reading “Permits for the National Parks of Madhya Pradesh”